Dogwood - 'Silver Variegated'
Variegated green leaves with white borders and red bark. Excellent colour contrast shrub. Grows to 7 feet. Available in 2 gallon pots only.
Dogwood (Silver Variegated)
Dogwood (Silver Variegated)
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Botanical (latin) name: Cornus alba 'Aureo-marginata'
Zone 2
Height 7ft (2m) Spread 6ft (2m)
Summer leaf color - green with white edges Fall leaf colour - Bright orange/red
Berries - White inedible for humans great for birds Bark - Bright red
Blossoms - Innocuous Fragrance - None
Habit - Multiple stem shrub Placement - full sun to partial shade, moist well drained soils
Why would you want this shrub? Excellent visual barrier, great summer, fall and winter colour

The silver variegated dogwood makes a great hedge to block the view of nosy neighbours. It is an excellent hedge top define a parking area because snow can be piled right on top of the hedge without causing extensive damage to the plant. The shrub is very tolerant of browsing if deer or moose are present and because the bark is smooth and flexible it does not scratch people, vehicles or pets.

The bright coloured leaves turn an amazing orange /red in the fall with bright red bark to cheer up even the greyest of winter days. The flowers are nothing to write home about but the berries are a fan favorite for all sorts of birds.

Summer Colour
Summer Colour

Fall Colour
Fall Colour

Red Bark
Red Bark

Price last updated on Feb 05, 2014 Listing of Accent_Plants

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