Ash - Green
Extremely hardy tree that is perfect for guitar players!
Green Ash
Green Ash
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Botanical (latin) name: Fraxinus pennsylvanica lanceolata
Zone 2
Height 60 ft (18m) Spread 30ft (9m)
Summer leaf color - green Fall leaf colour - Yellow
Seeds have wings Bark - Grey Furrowed
Blossoms - Innocuous Fragrance - None
Habit - Upright oval Placement - full sun, moist or swampy
Why would you want this tree? Excellent shade, boulevard or shelterbelt

Also know as the Common Ash, it is native in Canada throughout the Parkland, Great Lakes, St. Lawrence and Acadian Forests where it is found grows along riverbanks and lake shores. The green ash has been planted extensively as an ornamental and boulevard tree throughout North America but especially in Edmonton, Alberta where it makes up more than 40% of the boulevard trees, because of its appealing upright form, ease of propagation, tolerance of urban conditions and value as a wildlife species.

Green Ash is the most widely distributed of all the American ashes. Naturally a moist bottom land or stream bank tree, it is hardy to climatic extremes. The large seed crops provide food to many kinds of wildlife.

Fascinating Foliage facts:

Green ash is popular for making electric guitars because of its light colour, bright sound and wood grain that is aesthetically pleasing to many guitar players. Manufacturers such as Gibson, Fender, Ibanez, Warwick, M2Guitars (Italy) regularly use green ash in the construction of their guitars.

Fall Green Ash
Fall Green Ash

Price last updated on Jun 02, 2017 Listing of Ornamental_Trees

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