These round rocks come in a multitude of shapes and sizes and are perfect for building stone fences and rock gardens.
Barb in Rock Garden
Barb in Rock Garden
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These round fieldstones are called that because they were found in farmers fields. These rocks come in a wide variety of of shapes, sizes, colours and ages. Although the rock was deposited on the land when the last glaciers receded some 20,000 years ago, most of the stones originated in the north east corner of Alberta, the north west corner of Saskatchewan and the North West Territorries and were originally formed billions of years ago.

The rock is round because the action of glacial ice broke off the angular edges while moving water finished the job of polishing.

Fieldstones are excellent for forming borders around flower and shrub beds, stone retaining walls or just solitary accent rocks in rock gardens or a feature rock in Zen gardens.

Price last updated on Jul 07, 2005 Listing of Rock_Products

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