Fern - Fiddlehead
Fiddlehead ferns do not produce flowers but are treasured for their dark green, graceful, arching fronds that grow to a height of 40". They are ideal for hiding concrete foundations on the north side of the house especially when combined with hostas, rayflowers and primroses.
Ostrich Fern
Ostrich Fern
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Botanical (latin) name: Matteuccia struthiopteris
Zone 2

Fiddlehead ferns were around millions of year before flowering plants, and as a consequence do not produce flowers. Their graceful dark green fronds more than make up for this shortfall. Ferns prefer cool moist shady areas and rich organic soil. They should be planted 30" apart with the crowns slightly below the soil surface. Do not disturb the soil too deeply because the rhizomes are tender and grow at the soil surface. Ferns can be left to spread indefinitely without ill effect, but can be divided if additional plants are required. Do not divide the mother plant, rather dig up and separate the young plants from the mother. Many people cut the newly emerging fronds early in the spring when they are about 6" tall and fry they in butter for a delicacy called fiddle heads!
This native to Manitoba fern is also sometimes called the 'Ostrich' fern.

Price last updated on Mar 11, 2009 Listing of Perennials

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