Birch - Weeping - Cutleaf
A elegant tree with flakey bark, lacy foliage on long drooping branches, Grows 30-40 ft. Available in tree sizes only.
Summer Weeping Birch
Summer Weeping Birch
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Botanical (latin) name: Betula pedulata lacinata
Zone 3
Height 40 ft (12m) Spread 25ft (8m)
Summer leaf color - green Fall leaf colour - Yellow
Seeds-narrow seed bodies Bark - White exfoliating
Blossoms - Innocuous Fragrance - None
Habit - Upright rounded Placement - full sun, moist or swampy
Why would you want this tree? Excellent accent tree

Although the Cutleaf Weeping Birch is a close relative of the Paper Birch,it is no where near as hardy (zone 3 VS zone 1) and therefore cannot survive the extreme conditions of more northern latitudes. It features finely cut leaves, white bark, and a very pronounced weeping habit of growth, one of the most popular accent trees of all time

The Weeping Birch grows best in rich moist soils that have a full sun exposure. Stand alone trees in the middle of the lawn should be watered frequently especially during summer heat waves as grass is a voracious competitor for water.

This tree will require occasional maintenance and upkeep, and should only be pruned in summer after the leaves have fully developed, as it may 'bleed' sap if pruned in late winter or early spring. Deer don't particularly care for this plant and will usually leave it alone in favor of tastier treats.

Fascinating Foliage Facts:

The pendulous nature of the Weeping Birch leaves is due to a mutation in the process of gravitropism. The word gravitropism comes from a combination of two words, gravi which refers to gravity and tropism which comes from the Greek word "trope", which means to turn or change. Not surprisingly gravitropism is the plants growth habits in response to gravity. In a normal situation, the plants roots exhibit positive gravitropism and grow downward away from gravity, while the branches and leaves display negative gravitropism growing the opposite direction from gravity. The Weeping Birch is mutant because its mature branches grow downward

Winter Weeping Birch
Winter Weeping Birch

Fall Weeping Birch
Fall Weeping Birch

Price last updated on Jun 02, 2017 Listing of Ornamental_Trees

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