Big Round - Premium Reed Canary Mix - No rain
This hay is in perfect condition, and excellent for cattle and sheep - $65 for a 1600 pound bale works out to 4 cents a pound
Good quality coarse grass hay, that has lots of energy and easily digestible
Good quality coarse grass hay, that has lots of energy and easily digestible
Check the price & place an order! Check available size & price of product and place an order!

This hay has been baled into 1600 lb solid core bales using a John Deere 563 baler. This is truly premium cattle feed hay, virtually weed free, cut and baled on 5 days of hot dry windy weather and no showers. The bale interior is green, and is in perfect condition. This hay is suitable for all types of livestock.

Delivery is available at an additional charge.

Hay purchases can be made using, cash, certified cheque, visa, mastercard or debit.

Center of the bale shows the green nature of the hay
Center of the bale shows the green nature of the hay

Gift Shop, Coffee House and Centennial Rose Garden
Gift Shop, Coffee House and Centennial Rose Garden

Price last updated on Dec 02, 2020 Listing of Hay

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