MRVS-07 & 08 Fluted candles
These candles are approximately 2" in diameter at the base and gently taper to a 1"diameter at the wick. Perfect for the gal who likes to burn candles while relaxing in a tubfull of suds.
MRVS07 & 08
MRVS07 & 08
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The fluted candles come in two sizes the 14" and the 6 inch depending in exactly how long you like to soak in the tub. The 14 inch candle will last about 24 hours while the 6 inches has the going power of about 10 hours. Regardles which size you prefer, the wide base and tapered outline makes them extremely stable on counters and tub edges.

Price last updated on Jan 07, 2007 Listing of Beeswax_Candles

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