MRVS-09, Decorative Foral Candle
This candle is so beautiful, you won't want to burn it. With a 3.5 inch base towering 7" into the air this indeed is an impressive sight.
MRVS-09 Decorative Floral Candle
MRVS-09 Decorative Floral Candle
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The decorative floral candle is so beautiful that you may never want to burn it. The great thing about beeswax candles is that you don't have to burn it to get the sweet subtle smell of honey throughout your house. The decorative floral candle is perfect as a unique fragrant centre piece on the top of your toilet tank that we guarentee is going to smell way better than anything that your flushing down!

Price last updated on Jan 08, 2007 Listing of Beeswax_Candles

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