Larch - Siberian
A very attractive, fast growing tree with a pyramidal shape Excellent shelterbelt tree Grows 70 ft.
Larch - Siberian
Larch - Siberian
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Botanical (latin) name: Larix siberica
Zone 2b
Height 50ft (15m) Spread 20ft (6m)
Summer Needles - light green Fall needle colour - Yellow
Cones- oblong 2-5cm (1-2in) Bark - reddish brown scaly
Blossums - none Fragrance - None
Habit - Upright pyramidal Placement - full sun, moist well drained soils
Why would you want this tree? Excellent shelterbelt tree

The Siberian Larch is a tall, loose coniferous tree with soft, elongate deciduous needles, starting bright green in spring and turning brilliant gold /orange in fall; prefers moist locations and light soils

The tree does best in rich well drained soils where it can grow as much as five feet (1.5m) per year. The long, soft needles are light green in colour and sensuous to the touch during the growing season and turn a spectacular orange yellow in the fall. The needles contain tannic acid and therefore the needle litter beneath the tree eliminates all other vegetation, giving the shelterbelt a clean tidy look, and prevents it from being a source of weeds seeds in the adjacent fields.

The deep root system, pyramidal shape and the rapid growth, make the Siberian Larch a particularly good shelter belt tree especially when planted to the south of a line of darker trees such as white spruce of balsam fir.

Like all larch trees, the stems and branches makes excellent fire wood with a caloric value in excess of 28 million BTUs per cord, a value that is approximately double that of spruce or poplar.

Fall Colors
Fall Colors

Price last updated on Jan 08, 2014 Listing of Conifers

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