Dogwood - 'Redosier'
Hardy, native, red twigs, red fall leaves. Grows to up to 10 feet tall tall
Dogwood (Redosier)
Dogwood (Redosier)
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Botanical (latin) name: Cornus Sericea
Zone 2
Height 10ft (3m) Spread 10ft (3m)
Summer leaf color - green Fall leaf colour - Bright red/purple
Berries - White inedible for humans great for birds Bark - Bright red
Blossom colour - creamy white Fragrance - None
Habit - Multiple stem shrub Placement - full sun, moist or swampy
Why would you want this shrub? Excellent hedge for low shaded areas,

This is a versatile shrub native to many parts of northern Canada. Although the leaves are a uniform dark green, the purple/red fall colour and and red bark for winter colour make this a desirable hedge plant for low damp areas. It also has a wide spreading root system that makes it an excellent choice as a reclamation shrub to prevent bank erosion in streams and ditches.

As a native species it has adapted to animal browsing by moose and deer can regrow stems that have been eaten in a single summer. The shiny green leaves with clusters of creamy white flowers and white berries. It produces spectacular red leaves in the fall and red bark for winter colour.

Winter Colour
Winter Colour

Winter hedge
Winter hedge


Leaves and Berries
Leaves and Berries

Fall Leaves
Fall Leaves


Price last updated on Feb 05, 2014 Listing of Accent_Plants

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