Apple Crab - Dolgo
Mid Season. Bright red fruit, great jelly.
Flowering - Crab (Dolgo)
Flowering - Crab (Dolgo)
Check the price & place an order! Check available size & price of product and place an order!
Botanical (latin) name: Malus 'Dolgo'
Zone 1(a)

A small edible crabapple. Attractive pyramidal form, wide branching, with white flowers. Produces a dark red skinned apple under 3 cm. Makes a flavorful jelly and adds a unique flavor to cider. Will store for approximately 2 weeks. Good for pollination of early, mid, and late season apples.

The Blooming Tree
The Blooming Tree

The Fall Tree
The Fall Tree

Price last updated on Jan 06, 2014 Listing of Apple_Crabs

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