Baker's Gold - SOLD OUT
An excellent polinator for the Westcot Apricot
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Botanical (latin) name: Prunus armeniaca 'Scout"
Zone 3
Height 15 ft (5m) Spread 15ft (4m)
Summer leaf color - green Fall leaf colour - Yellow
Fruit size 4-5 cm (2in) Fruit colour - Golden yellow
Blossom colour - light pink Fragrance - None
Habit - Upright spreading Placement - full sun
Why would you want this tree? Excellent for eating Fresh or Canning

Selected at the Baker Hutterite colony outside Bagot Manitoba

The fruit is 3-4 cm in length and is golden yellow/light orange in colour and excellent for eating fresh jams, jellies and preserves but can be messy if the fruit drops on the driveway or sidewalk.

The Baker's Gold Apricot produces a myriad of non-fragrant pink flowers in early May before the leaves come out. The green foliage is nondescript and the leaves turn poplar yellow in the fall.
The tree needs to be grown in full sunlight and does best in sandy loam soils and cannot tolerate standing water.

Price last updated on May 15, 2021 Listing of Apricots

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