Ash - Mancana
One of the most attractive cold hardy onamental trees on the market with feather like leaves and a dense compact canopy, this tree does not grow into a monster!
The Ash
The Ash
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Botanical (latin) name: Fraxinus mandshurica 'Mancana'
Zone 3
Height 40 ft (12m) Spread 25ft (8m)
Summer leaf color - green Fall leaf colour - Yellow
Seeds have wings Bark - Grey Furrowed
Blossoms - Innocuous Fragrance - None
Habit - Upright oval Placement - full sun, moist
Why would you want this tree? Excellent shade or boulevard tree

Introduced by the Agriculture Canada Research Station, in Morden Manitoba this tree has all the attributes of an ideal front yard planting. The feather-like leaves and dense canopy make it one of the most attractive shade trees available. The trees are all male so they never produce seeds to litter the lawn and are one of the first trees to change colour in the fall.

The Mancana Ash are shorter than the other Ash varieties with wide spreading branches that make them appear almost round in shape.

The root system is shallow but wide spreading making them moderately wind resistant. Like all variety of ash trees the Mancana Ash is extremely tolerant of damp soils and are therefore suitable for stream banks and lake shores for stabilizing the soil.

Price last updated on Jan 06, 2014 Listing of Ornamental_Trees

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