Pine - Lodge Pole
Tall, straight and fast growing, it makes an ideal shelterbelt tree. This the Provincial Tree of Alberta
Pine - Lodge Pole
Pine - Lodge Pole
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Botanical (latin) name: Pinus contorta
Zone zone 1a
Height 50ft (15m) Spread 20ft (6m)
Summer Needles - dark green Fall needle colour - evergreen
Cones- conical 2-5cm (1-2in) Bark - dark brown scaly
Blossums - none Fragrance - Pine
Habit - Upright oval Placement - full sun tolerates dry sandy soil
Why would you want this tree? Ecellent tree as the back row of a shelter belt

The Lodgepole Pine grows on a wide variety from gravelly stony ridges to sandy loam and everything in between, it prefers locations that offers full sun, well drained soils and will not tolerate standing water.
In good growing conditions the Lodgepole Pine can grow 2-3 feet per year and can ultimately reach a height of 75 feet with a trunk diameter of up to 2 feet. It is considered drought tolerant and therefore is a good choice as the back row in a shelterbelt.

Lodgepole Pine Forest
Lodgepole Pine Forest

Small Wintering Lodgepole Pine
Small Wintering Lodgepole Pine

Price last updated on Jan 08, 2014 Listing of Conifers

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