Alaska - Sold Out!
Extremely hardy, Clusters of bright red fruit. Orange/red fall colour. Grows to 10 ft.
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Botanical (latin) name: Viburnum trilobum 'Alaska'
Zone 2

A hardy variety of the high bush cranberry, this native species produces flat clusters of white flowers followed by attractive bright red berries in the summer. Not to be confused with with true cranberries (Vaccinium) the Alaska Cranberry has edible berries that are high in Vitamin C. As well as being a compact shrub that requires little maintenance, the lobed leaves turn scarlet purple in the fall.

The Alaska Cranberry likes growing in well drained sandy loam in either full sun or partial shade. More berries are produced when grown in groups of three or more.


Price last updated on May 23, 2020 Listing of Cranberries

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