Blooms snowball size clusters of flowers, but does not produce fruit. Grows to 10 feet high and 10 feet wide.
The Snowball
The Snowball
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Botanical (latin) name: Viburnum opulus
Zone 3

The parents to the Snowball are native to Europe and Asia and were brought to North America as an ornamental shrub in the late 1800's. The Snowball was selected because all of its flowers are sterile and therefore do not produce any berries or seeds making them an excellent choice around walkways and patios.

The Snowball prefers moist well drained sandy loam soils and performs equally as well in full sun or partially shaded conditions.

Since the Snowball never produces fruit, cross pollination is not an issue, however it looks positively beautiful when planted in odd numbered groupings of three or more.

Snowball Bush
Snowball Bush

Price last updated on Feb 10, 2009 Listing of Cranberries

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