Elder - Red Berried
The number one choice for attracting songbirds. Grows to 12 feet.
Red Elder Berries
Red Elder Berries
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Botanical (latin) name: Sambucus racemosa
Zone 3

If you want songbirds in your yard then this the tree for you. Although the Red Berried Elder is more of a tall shrub than a true tree, we accidentally put it in our printed catalog as a tree and so we just want to be consistent.

The Red Berried Elder is multiple stemmed and very dense making it an excellent choice for an urban shelter belt. The leaves are very dark and thus make it an excellent background contrast shrub to bring out smaller, lighter coloured perennial plants in front.

Although the flowers of the Red Berried Elder are relatively innocuous, they turn into stunning balls of tiny bright scarlet berries that stand out magnificently against the dark foliage.

Although the berries are not extremely sweet, they have a unique flavour and can be eaten right off the tree or more often, they are made into wines (elderberry wine) jams, jellies or preserves.

Most people however are simply content to just leave the berries to the birds. The berries are small enough to be consumed by many native songbirds who often express their happiness at such bounty with a cheery tune.

Red Elder Berries
Red Elder Berries

Young Bush
Young Bush

Price last updated on Feb 09, 2009 Listing of Ornamental_Trees

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