Athabasca Gold
Premium golden honey from Mr. V's hives. Processed locally, enjoyed worldwide.
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Athabasca Gold is our premium blend. It uses nectar from alfalfa, canola and strawberry flowers among others to give this honey a rich composuite taste that is second to none in the honey world.

The bees were originally brought in as pollinators for Mr. V's 10 acres or so of fruit and vegetables so it was only natural that we would have to do something with the honey and something we did.

If you would like to try the Athabasca Gold Honey before you buy a container then enjoy a cup of tea in the Centennial Rose Garden. All of our teas are served with a choice of sweeteners and one of those choices is Athabasca Gold.

Price last updated on Feb 03, 2007 Listing of Honey_Products

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