The Strawberry season has come to an end. See you next summer!
2 Full Pails
2 Full Pails
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Strawberries are a good source of vitamin C, but who cares, nobody picks strawberries for vitamin C. They just taste great!

Why do Mr. V's strawberries taste so much better than those in the store?

Strawberries contain so much sugar, if they were picked ripe they would rot on the way to the store. Commercial strawberry producers have to pick the berries when they are still green and the carbohydrate is still cellulose and hasn't yet converted to sugar.

Once the strawberries arrive at the store the berries are artificially ripened with acetylene so they look great but the cellulose does not change to sugar and the strawberries taste like cardboard.

Mr. V's strawberries on the other hand are picked at the peak of their flavour, they don't have much shelf life, but who cares, the strawberries will be eaten by the time you get home.

Thats a carload of strawberries
Thats a carload of strawberries

Many Buckets o' Strawberries
Many Buckets o' Strawberries

Price last updated on Sep 08, 2017 Listing of Market_Garden

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