Mockorange (Golden) - Out Of Stock!
Golden foliage. Makes a great hedge or contrast, to 5 ft.
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Botanical (latin) name: Philadelphus caucasicus
Zone 3
Height 3ft (1m) Spread 3ft (1m)
Summer leaf color - yellow/green Fall leaf colour - yellow/brown
Fruit - not significant Bark - Brick red
Blossom colour - creamy white Fragrance - exquisit perfume
Habit - Dwarf multiple stem shrub Placement - full sun, moist well drained soils
Why would you want this shrub? Low hedge, front row of a muti-row palnting


This is one of the most outstanding foliage and flowering shrubs for any cool and temperate garden. In spring and early summer it's covered with heavily scented creamy white flowers, each with a yellow boss of stamens in the centre. It grows no more than 1.5m so it fits in beautifully in a mixed border. But the great delight is the soft golden leaves on long arching branches. These remain lime-yellow in shady parts of the bush.

It's very easy to grow, flourishing in any kind of soil. Thin out the shrubs and cut out the oldest wood after blooming is finished. To strike new plants, take 6cm soft-tip cuttings or 15cm semi-hardwood cuttings in summer and autumn. Keep them warm and humid until new roots are established.

This plant has virtually no pest or disease problems. Happy in semi-shade and withstanding heavy frosts, it is perfect for a protected part of the garden.

In Blossom
In Blossom


Fall colour
Fall colour

Price last updated on Jul 04, 2017 Listing of Accent_Plants

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