Tour Mr. V's Demostration Woodlot
Mr. V's Woodlot was developed as the Model Woodlot for northeast Alberta
Getting To The Woodlot
Getting To The Woodlot
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Mr. V's 120 ace woodlot has been managed as a sustainable small scaled forest for the last 20 years and includes a wide range of scientific experiments and beneficial forest management practices that integrates logging, agriculture and wildlife.

This 2 hour tour follows nearly 5 km of groomed trails that wide their way in and around the Little Pine Creek Valley. Demonstrations include:

Treated woodlot posts

Shelterbelt comparison

Silvipasture (cows and trees)

Tapping birch trees

Siberian Larch reforestation

Mechanical VS Hand logging

Beaver logging

River crossings

Riparian area management

Planting for wildlife


Hanging Out
Hanging Out

Price last updated on Feb 11, 2007 Listing of Tours

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