Pine - Scots
Most popular ornamental pine Grows up to 50 ft.
Pine - Scots
Pine - Scots
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Botanical (latin) name: Pinus Syvesterus
Zone 2b
Height 50ft (15m) Spread 40ft (12m)
Summer Needles - dark green Fall needle colour - evergreen
Cones- conical 5-10cm (2-4in) Bark - orange/ brown scaly
Blossums - none Fragrance - Pine
Habit - Upright rounded Placement - full sun, moist well drained soils
Why would you want this tree? The top pine for ornamental purposes, for large yards, acreages and farms

Although the Scots Pine is not native to Canada, it probably is the most popular pine for landscaping purposes. It is not a particularly fast growing tree but its grows many branches that make the tree look very full and bushy in open areas.

The tree has a distinct tap-root that makes it very wind firm and due to its bushy nature makes it an excellent tree to fill in large open areas on farms and acreages. It also makes an excellent Christmas tree and is grown extensively in plantations for this purpose.

The Scots pine grows best in location that receive full sun and therefore are best positioned in the south or west facing row of a shelter belt.

Scots Pine
Scots Pine

Price last updated on Jan 08, 2014 Listing of Conifers

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