Spruce - Black
Good spruce for wet areas. Grows 30-50 ft. This the provincial tree of Newfoundland.
Spruce - Black
Spruce - Black
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Botanical (latin) name: Picea mariana
Zone 1a
Height 40ft (12m) Spread 20ft (6m)
Summer Needles - dark green Fall needle colour - evergreen
Cones- oblong 1cm (0.5in) Bark - dark grey/brown scaly
Blossums - none Fragrance - spruce
Habit - Upright pyramidal Placement - partial shade moist to wet tolerates standing water
Why would you want this tree? Newfies who want the NL provincial tree in their

Black spruce is generally found in low lying wet areas. It is a shrubby tree, with drooping lower branches, otherwise known as Bog or Swamp Spruce. It is extremely shade tolerant and grows well in acidic moist organic soils. It is generally a small (40 ft.) slow growing variety but if given the chance to grow on higher ground, and away from heavy competition, it rivals the White Spruce for esthetic value.

Can be used with tamarack and paper birch to create a stunning landscape in low peaty areas.

Fascinating Foliage Facts

Spruce beer was made by steeping the young shoots, then adding molasses, maple sugar or honey and finally the yeast for fermentation. In the pioneer years, this beverage was extensively consumed by the working class as a prevention against scurvy.

Price last updated on Jan 08, 2014 Listing of Conifers

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