Spruce - White
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Database Product File # c-406

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Catalogue # SPR-W-P plugs Price $2.00 each
Catalogue # SPR-W-G Gallon pot Price $14.95 each
Catalogue # SPR-W-B-2 2 ft tree. Price $50.00 each
Catalogue # SPR-CB-B-4 4 ft tree. Price $100.00 each
Catalogue # SPR-W-B-6 6 foot tree Price $175.00 each
Catalogue # SPR-W-P-100 Plugs Bundle of 100 Price $200.00 Bundle
Catalogue # SPR-W-B-8 8 foot tree Price $225.00 each
Catalogue # SPR-W-B-10 10 foot tree Price $275.00 each
Catalogue # SP-W-B-12 12 foot tree Price $325.00 each
Catalogue # SPR-W-B-14 14 ft tall tree Price $375.00 each
Catalogue # SPR-W-B-16 16 ft tree Price $425.00 each

Last updated on: Sep 09, 2016 Back to the Product page

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