  Alpine Currant    Details of product Photohraphs of product    Zone 2
Low hedging and foundation planting and is not used for berries
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  Black Currant    Details of product Photohraphs of product    Zone 2
Produces copious amounts of black fruit high in Vitamin C , Grows 3 feet high 3 feet wide.
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  Buffalo - Sold Out!    Details of product Photohraphs of product    Zone 2
Black currents amazing yield grows 6 ft.
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  Golden Currant
Beautiful Fragrant hedge plant!
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  Gooseberry    Details of product Photohraphs of product    Zone 2
Berries are suited for jelly or wine. Fall displays a brilliant burgandy. Grows to 4' X4'
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  Red Currant    Details of product Photohraphs of product    Zone 2
Extremely productive, sweet and red
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Last updated on: Jul 04, 2024 Mouse over the name of product to learn more ifDetail description of product or Photohraphs of product icons are displayed.

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