  Distribution tubing 100 ft roll Check the price and order!

  Drip Irrigation    Details of product
This is the watering system your trees and shrubs have been asking for.
Check the price and order!

  Flex riser stakes Check the price and order!

  Inline Filters and Presure Regulators    Details of product
Keeps the pipe from blowing their emitters
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  Mainline Pipping    Details of product
Bring the water from your well to your plants
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  Modular Controllers    Details of product
These controllers turn the water on and off if you are home or not. Or water your garden using a remote control.
Check the price and order!

  Xeri-Spray    Details of product
Perfect system for watering perennials, bedding plants and low growing shrubs
Check the price and order!

Last updated on: Jul 04, 2024 Mouse over the name of product to learn more ifDetail description of product or Photohraphs of product icons are displayed.

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