  The Joy Of Farming    Details of product Photohraphs of product
This motivational talk for agricultural organizations is an eclectic mix of one part biography, one part innovation and one part technicolour dream, at times stirring, but never shaken. Served on a bed of real life experince with a side od agricultural revelation, it is spiced to perfection with a dash of humour and a pinch of hope for tomorrow.
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  The Sky Is Not Falling    Details of product Photohraphs of product
Got a group that wants to hear the other side of the Global Warming Debate? Using scientific logic and a few laughs, Bruno dispels every misconception you ever had about climate change. After listening to this presentation, you will never again believe that human behaviour is the main cause of global warming.
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  Time To Get Growing    Details of product
Focused towards gardening clubs, horticultural associations and landscape organizations this high energy and humourous presentation has included everything from building an energy efficient home for less to planting a vineyard.
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Last updated on: Jul 04, 2024 Mouse over the name of product to learn more ifDetail description of product or Photohraphs of product icons are displayed.

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