  Grape - Beta    Details of product    Zone 3
Extremely hardy blue-black grape used for jellies and juices
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  Grape - Minnesota - Sold Out!    Zone 3 to 4
Very hardy sweet small white grape used mostly for wine. Needs a pollinator for fruit set
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  Grape - Valiant    Details of product    Zone 3
The wine grape of choice for the northern regions
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  Honey suckle Photohraphs of product    Zone 2
Orange trumpet flowers
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  Hops Photohraphs of product    Zone 2
Hardy aggressive climbers
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  Virginia Creeper Photohraphs of product    Zone 2
Beautiful fall colors
Check the price and order!

Last updated on: Jul 04, 2024 Mouse over the name of product to learn more ifDetail description of product or Photohraphs of product icons are displayed.

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