Odyssy is late season, medium to large apple that is yellow/green in colour flushed with red. Great for eating fresh with a taste similar to "Gala"
Check the price & place an order! Check available size & price of product and place an order!
Botanical (latin) name: Malus 'Westland'
Zone 2

These are great tasting apples and would be a welcome addition to any fruit orchard. The white, mildly fragrant blossoms emerge from a distinctive red flower buds in late May/early June. The apples are medium to large in size with skin that is a red blush in colour, while the flesh is creamy white. The apple is a particularly sweet apple for fresh eating, but its size makes it suitable for processing into applesauce or baking whole. The Odyssey apple can be tasted each fall from Mr. V's demonstration orchard.
  • Size - up to 8 cm in diameter.
  • Storage - 9 weeks approximately
  • Ripens - Mid September.

The Blooming Tree
The Blooming Tree

The Fall Tree
The Fall Tree

Price last updated on Jul 14, 2017 Listing of Apple_Trees

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