Alpine Currant
Low hedging and foundation planting and is not used for berries
Alpine Currants
Alpine Currants
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Botanical (latin) name: Ribes alpinum
Zone 2

Excellent hedge or foundation shrub with its dense compact form and distinctive three-lobed dark green leaves throughout fall.
The Alpine Currant dioecious; having the male and female flowers are found on separate plants. Most of the plants sold in nurseries are male and therefore does not produce fruit, however the branches will root whenever they touch the ground. This kind or reproduction can be reduced by applying three inches of wood chip mulch at the base of the stems.

The alpine currant does best in rich well drained sandy loam in an area that is exposed to full sunlight.

Little Alpine Currant
Little Alpine Currant

Price last updated on Mar 26, 2021 Listing of Currants

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