Dwarf Goodland
Large apple, creamy yellow with a bit of red, white flesh. Excellent for eating fresh and cooking. The fruit ripens in mid-September and stores well. Dwarf trees are 50% smaller than the full trees.
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Botanical (latin) name: Patten Greening sdlg
Zone 3

The tree is moderately vigorous, upright, round headed, and is annually productive. The fruit is medium large size, 6-8 cm (2 1/2 - 3") in diameter, round oblate, regular and very uniform, and matures in mid-late season, usually in mid or late September. The skin is light green base with 25-50% washed with medium red. The flesh is pure white, fine textured, crisp yet tender and sweetly sub-acid. It is very good to excellent for eating and cooking, and stores well for up to 20 weeks.
These apple trees are perfect for urban backyards because they only reach 7-8 feet tall

Price last updated on Mar 16, 2021 Listing of Apple_Trees

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