Grape - Beta
Extremely hardy blue-black grape used for jellies and juices
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Botanical (latin) name: Vitis x 'Beta'
Zone 3

Beta is an extremely hardy variety of grape that was developed from a cross between a native grape and concord grape by Louis Suelter in Minnesota in the early 1900's.

Its blue-black fruit is used for a variety of juices and preserves but rarely for wine.

Grapes require full sun to grow and for the fruit to ripen as well as protection from the prevailing wind. Vineyards should always be planted on a south facing slope with tall shelter belt trees to the north and west. Single or small groups of plants should be planted on the the south side of the building in full sun. To facilitate maximum exposure of the leaves and fruit to sunlight it is advisable to provide a wire or wood trellis for the grapes to climb.

For optimum growth grapes should be planted in well drained loam that is slightly acidic (pH 6). To facilitate maximum exposure of the leaves and fruit to the sun

Price last updated on Feb 11, 2009 Listing of Vines

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