Grape - Valiant
The wine grape of choice for the northern regions
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Botanical (latin) name: Vitis x 'Valiant'
Zone 3

The Valiant grape was developed as a cross between a native grape and a Fredonia at South Dakota State University. Valiant is a blue table grape that ripens reliably throughout the north central Alberta region. It has low acid levels and high sugars which make good for fresh eating, preserves, and wine making.

The Valiant grape requires full sun to flourish and for the grapes to ripen. Vineyards should be planted on a south facing hill with protection from the prevailing winds on the north and west. The plants should be trellised to facilitate maximum exposure to the sun. Single, or small groups of plants can be grown on trellis' the the south side of a building in sandy well drained slightly acidic (pH 6)loam.

Price last updated on Feb 11, 2009 Listing of Vines

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